Monday, 27 April 2015

Historical Photographer Project Reflection

1. What did you learn about your photographer and about yourself from this assignment?

   I learned that Paul Strand is a humanist, like me. I learned that I have great interest in the many shades of one color, like him.
2. How did you re-interpret your photographer’s style?

   Like Paul Strand, I took a picture that showed many different shades of a color. It has repetition and pattern, and an abstract angle.

3. Describe your most successful image, explain how is it your best, why are you happy with it?

   I think this image is the best one, because it had a lot of Paul Strand's styles in it. It had pattern and repetition, it had the shape and form of the colors, and it had many shades of white (and blue) and black. I'm happy with it because unlike many other pictures that I took, this one was exposed more. It was bright, but also had a great intensity of the shades.

4. Describe your an image that you were not happy with, why were you unhappy with it? 

   It looked a bit gloomy, which wasn't Paul Strand's style. I think the white balance might have been the problem.

5. What were you happy with? What excited you? What frustrated you? What would you do differently if you could do it all over? 

   I was happy with my photos' results. It excited me how some of them looked similar to Paul Strand's. I was frustrated with which pictures I should choose, out of the 6-7 pictures of the same scene with different exposures. Another frustration was that some pictures were too dark, but if I exposed the picture more, then the shadows' intensity would disappear. If I could do it all over, I might try taking pictures with different white balance settings.  I might try turning some of my pictures into black and white.

6. Think of a name for your image for the hallway frame.

   "Shades of Color"

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